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Nanyang explosion-proof motor: How to maintain and repair explosion-proof motors?
2024-01-06 14:00:43

Explosion proof motor is a specially designed motor that can operate safely in explosive hazardous environments. In order to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life, regular maintenance and repair must be carried out. Nanyang explosion-proof motor will provide a detailed introduction to the maintenance and repair methods of explosion-proof motors.

1. Regular cleaning: The surface of explosion-proof motors is prone to accumulating impurities such as dust and oil, which can affect their heat dissipation effect and operational stability. Therefore, the surface of the motor should be regularly inspected and cleaned. When cleaning, attention should be paid to avoiding water and corrosive substances from entering the interior of the motor.

2. Regular inspection of motor wiring: The wiring of explosion-proof motors should be stable and reliable, and not loose. Regularly inspect each wiring terminal and tighten it in a timely manner if there is any looseness. At the same time, check whether the external insulation layer of the cable and motor junction box is intact. If there is any damage, it should be replaced in a timely manner.

3. Regular lubrication: The running parts of the motor, such as bearings and gears, require an appropriate amount of lubricating oil to reduce friction and wear. Regularly check the lubricating oil level and quality of the motor, and add or replace lubricating oil as needed. Pay attention to selecting lubricating oil suitable for the motor model and follow the lubrication instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Nanyang Motor Accessories,Nanyang explosion-proof,Nanyang explosion-proof motor

4. Regular inspection of motor insulation: The insulation condition of the motor is directly related to its safety and service life. Regularly check the insulation resistance of the motor, which should meet the design requirements. If the insulation resistance is insufficient, insulation maintenance measures should be taken in a timely manner to ensure the safe operation of the motor.

5. Regular inspection of motor fan: The internal fan of the motor is a key component for heat dissipation, and it should be regularly checked for normal rotation and cleaned of dust and impurities. If the fan does not rotate flexibly, it should be cleaned or replaced in a timely manner.

6. Regularly inspect the electrical components of the motor, including protective devices, relays, etc., to ensure their normal operation. If there is any damage or abnormal phenomenon, it should be repaired and replaced in a timely manner.

7. Regular inspection of explosion-proof structures: The shell, junction box and other components of explosion-proof motors are key components to prevent explosion diffusion, and their sealing and seismic performance are regularly checked. If any abnormalities are found, they should be repaired or replaced immediately.

8. Regular load testing: Load testing can detect whether the torque and power output of the motor are normal, as well as the interference and vibration of the motor. Regular testing can be conducted using load testing equipment to determine whether the motor needs maintenance or replacement based on the test results.

9. Regular check of motor temperature: The motor generates a certain amount of heat during operation, and it is necessary to regularly check whether the motor temperature is normal. Excessive temperature may indicate poor motor operation or equipment malfunction.

10. Regular recording of maintenance status: Maintenance personnel should promptly record the status of each maintenance and repair, including date, maintenance content, repair tools and materials, in order to track the maintenance history of the motor and evaluate its condition in a timely manner.

Nanyang explosion-proof motor tells you that the maintenance and repair of explosion-proof motors should be regular, comprehensive, and systematic. Only through regular maintenance and upkeep can the performance of the motor be guaranteed to be stable, and its explosion-proof and safety functions can be fully utilized. If there is a need for maintenance, it is necessary to seek professional technicians for maintenance to ensure safe and effective operation.

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