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Nanyang explosion-proof motor | What precautions should be taken when installing explosion-proof motors
2023-11-22 08:52:53

The application scenarios of explosion-proof motors are also increasing, and assembly is required before use. What precautions should be taken during the installation process? Below, Nanyang explosion-proof motor will provide you with a detailed explanation:

1、 Civil engineering for installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment

The compliance of civil engineering construction with requirements is a prerequisite for the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment. In order to ensure the normal operation of explosion-proof electrical equipment, relevant inspections of civil engineering should be carried out before installing explosion-proof electrical equipment, and the following requirements should be met:

Before installing explosion-proof electrical equipment in flammable and explosive places, it is necessary to remove any formwork or scaffolding that may hinder electrical equipment in an explosive environment. Any plastering or decoration work that causes damage or serious pollution to explosion-proof electrical equipment should be completed before installation.

2. On the basis of buried electrical pipelines, reference lines or points for measuring the coordinates and elevations of electrical pipeline outlets should be marked.

3. The foundation, embedded parts, reserved holes, etc. used for the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment should be consistent with the design drawings.

4. Verify that the opening direction of doors and windows in the site meets explosion-proof requirements.

If the above conditions are not met, the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment can only be carried out after the completion of the civil engineering project.

2、 Selection of explosion-proof electrical equipment

There are a wide variety of explosion-proof electrical equipment with different functions, among which the most common ones are intrinsically safe electrical equipment, explosion-proof electrical equipment, positive pressure electrical equipment, increased safety electrical equipment, oil filled electrical equipment, sand filled electrical equipment, and spark free electrical equipment. The selection of explosion-proof electrical equipment must be suitable for flammable and explosive areas. Corresponding explosion-proof electrical equipment must be used for hazardous areas of any nature. The explosion-proof performance varies depending on the structure and function, so it is necessary to choose appropriate explosion-proof electrical equipment based on the type of explosive substance, type of equipment, and degree of danger in the installation site. The selection of explosion-proof electrical equipment must follow the following principles:

(1) Adapt to the working environment

When in an outdoor environment, it is required to take measures such as sun protection, rain protection, and wind and sand prevention for explosion-proof equipment. Electrical equipment marked "Outdoor Use" should be used, and some equipment is also used in corrosive or toxic environments, high temperature, high pressure, or low temperature environments. When selecting explosion-proof equipment, special requirements that adapt to these special environments should be considered.

(2) Explosion proof electrical equipment must be suitable for the hazardous level of explosive mixtures

Select suitable explosion-proof electrical equipment based on the degree of danger of explosive mixtures, otherwise safety cannot be guaranteed. If there are two or more explosive substances with different hazard levels in the same area, the principle of "high not low" should be adopted, and explosion-proof electrical equipment should be selected based on the explosion level with high hazard level. In non hazardous areas, ordinary electrical equipment is generally used, but there is also a possibility of danger when containers containing explosive substances are placed in non hazardous areas. So when installing electrical equipment, it is necessary to consider the possibility of unexpected hazards.

(3) To facilitate maintenance and upkeep

During the use of explosion-proof electrical equipment, regular maintenance and upkeep should be carried out. Therefore, when selecting explosion-proof electrical equipment, the simpler the structure, the better. At the same time, attention should be paid to convenient management, short maintenance time, low costs, and normal storage of spare parts.

(4) Pay attention to economic benefits

The higher the level of explosion-proof electrical equipment, the higher the price naturally. When selecting explosion-proof electrical equipment, it is necessary to choose the appropriate explosion-proof electrical equipment based on flammable and explosive locations. A comprehensive analysis should also be conducted on the reliability, lifespan, operating costs, energy consumption, and maintenance of the electrical equipment to select the appropriate and economical explosion-proof electrical equipment.

3、 Nanyang explosion-proof motor tells you about the type inspection of explosion-proof electrical equipment

After the selection of explosion-proof electrical equipment is completed, it needs to be inspected. Firstly, the appearance of the explosion-proof electrical equipment needs to be inspected. It is necessary to check whether the shell of the explosion-proof electrical equipment is severely damaged, whether there are magnetic burrs, cracks, and other issues. It is also necessary to inspect the sealing components that should be present, and to check whether the inner edge of the power line inlet device bell mouth of the equipment is smooth.

Some people mistakenly believe that as long as electrical equipment is labeled with explosion-proof signs, it can be used in explosive hazardous areas, which is not entirely correct. According to the requirements, explosion-proof electrical equipment should be selected in explosive hazardous areas, but not any type of explosion-proof equipment can be used. According to different explosion hazardous locations, there are different types, categories, levels, and temperature group requirements for explosion-proof electrical equipment, which should be clearly specified in the design documents. When installing, it is necessary to compare the content of the explosion-proof label on the nameplate of the electrical equipment with the design documents one by one to determine whether the electrical equipment can meet the explosion-proof requirements during use. If the explosion-proof indicator is higher, it can be used (but at a higher cost); If the indicator is low, it is not allowed to be used and must be replaced.

In short, the explosion-proof type, level, and temperature group of the selected explosion-proof electrical equipment should not be lower than the structural type, level, and temperature group specified in the design, otherwise it should be replaced.

4、 Precautions for installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment

To ensure the stable and reliable operation of explosion-proof electrical equipment, expansion bolts, nylon plugs, plastic plugs, and shooting nails should be used as much as possible for fixation during the installation process.

1. The explosion-proof shell is the main component of explosion-proof electrical equipment. During the transportation and installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment, strong vibration and collision must be avoided, and it must be moved and handled gently. The heat dissipation fins on the shell must be kept intact.

2. Explosion proof electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas should be protected from mechanical damage and comply with environmental conditions such as anti-corrosion, moisture-proof, and sun protection. If explosion-proof electrical equipment is mechanically damaged, it may not reach the corresponding explosion proof level and must be replaced.

3. Explosion proof electrical equipment is generally installed on specific brackets, which must be firm. Electrical equipment that vibrates during operation should have corresponding loosening and damping devices.

4. The exposed metal parts of electrical equipment in explosive hazardous environments, such as metal shells, metal frames, and metal wiring pipes, should be reliably grounded. Before entering the flammable and explosive area, the zero line of the power supply needs to be repeatedly grounded: metal pipelines, steel pipes for wiring, armor and metal shells of cables that are introduced into explosive hazardous environments should also be grounded at the entrance of the hazardous area, and the grounding resistance value should meet the design requirements.

The above pictures are narrated by Nanyang explosion-proof motor for your reference, hoping to be helpful to you!

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