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What are the repair and maintenance methods for explosion-proof motors in Nanyang?
2023-12-14 14:16:41

Explosion proof motor is a type of motor with explosion-proof function, suitable for use in flammable and explosive working environments. In order to ensure its safe and reliable operation, maintenance and upkeep work is very important. The maintenance and repair methods for Nanyang explosion-proof motors will be introduced in detail.

1、 Repair method:

1. Regular inspection: Regularly inspect the appearance and internal structure of explosion-proof motors, and promptly repair any damage, looseness, or abnormal situations.

2. Insulation inspection: Regularly use an insulation resistance meter to test the insulation resistance. If there is a decrease in insulation resistance, it should be dealt with in a timely manner.

3. Bearing replacement: When the explosion-proof motor bearing experiences abnormal sound, temperature rise, or unstable operation, the bearing should be replaced in a timely manner.

4. rotor repair: When the surface wear of the explosion-proof motor rotor exceeds the specified size or there are cracks, it needs to be repaired or replaced.

5. Maintenance of power cord: Regularly inspect the power cord for damage or aging, repair or replace the power cord.

6. Check the stator winding: Regularly check the connection of the stator winding to prevent looseness or poor contact from causing abnormal operation of the motor.

7. Maintenance of cooling system: Regularly clean the cooling system of the motor to ensure good heat dissipation.

8. Maintenance of explosion-proof casing: Regularly clean the casing of explosion-proof motors to prevent the accumulation of dust, oil, and other substances.

9. Shaft seal maintenance: Regularly check the working condition of the shaft seal to ensure good sealing effect.

10. Check the grounding system: Regularly check the grounding system of the motor to ensure good grounding and prevent safety accidents caused by static electricity.

2、 Maintenance method:

1. Correct use: Use the explosion-proof motor correctly according to the requirements of the user manual, do not overload, and avoid long-term high-temperature operation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nanyang Motor,Wolong Electric,Nanyang Motor Accessories                  

2. Clean the explosion-proof housing: Regularly clean the housing of the explosion-proof motor to prevent dust and other debris from blocking the ventilation openings, which may result in poor heat dissipation.

3. Maintain good ventilation: When using explosion-proof motors, it is necessary to maintain good ventilation around them to ensure effective heat dissipation.

4. Regular oil lubrication: According to the requirements of the user manual, regularly oil and lubricate the explosion-proof motor to ensure the normal operation of the bearings and gears.

5. Avoid moisture intrusion: Avoid explosion-proof motors from being exposed to humid environments for a long time, to prevent moisture from entering and causing moisture inside the motor.

6. Pay attention to corrosion prevention: If the working environment contains corrosive gases or liquids, corresponding measures should be taken to prevent the motor from being corroded.

7. Regular temperature testing: Regularly use a thermometer to measure the working temperature of the explosion-proof motor, ensuring that the temperature is within the normal working range.

8. Maintenance of power cord: Regularly check the connection status of the power cord to ensure its firmness and reliability.

9. Prevent vibration: Avoid explosion-proof motors working in high vibration environments for a long time to avoid damaging internal components.

10. Regular maintenance records: Establish maintenance records for explosion-proof motors, including maintenance items, maintenance time, maintenance personnel, and other information, to facilitate subsequent management and maintenance.

The above is a detailed introduction to the maintenance and repair methods of Nanyang explosion-proof motors. Explosion proof motors are a special type of motor, and their maintenance and repair work is more important than ordinary motors. Only by doing a good job in maintenance and repair can the safe operation of explosion-proof motors be guaranteed and their service life be extended.

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