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Nanyang explosion-proof motor: How to use and maintain explosion-proof motors correctly?
2023-12-04 17:49:04

Explosion proof motor is a type of motor that can operate normally in explosive gas environments. In order to ensure the normal operation and safety performance of explosion-proof motors, it is necessary to use and maintain them correctly. The following will introduce the precautions on how to use and maintain explosion-proof motors correctly in Nanyang.

1、 When selecting explosion-proof motors, appropriate models and specifications should be selected based on the specific working environment and requirements. Explosion proof motors are divided into different explosion-proof and protection levels, and suitable motors are determined based on the gas level and temperature requirements of the working environment.

Secondly, for newly purchased explosion-proof motors, it is necessary to carefully read the user manual to understand their characteristics, performance, and usage requirements. Install and wire correctly according to the instructions in the manual. At the same time, it is necessary to inspect the installation environment before installation to ensure that there are no flammable or explosive substances present.

Nanyang Motor,Wolong Electric,Nanyang Motor Accessories

When using explosion-proof motors, the following points should be noted. Firstly, it is strictly prohibited to use explosion-proof motors in areas prone to sparks and environments with flammable and explosive gases. The usage environment of explosion-proof motors should comply with their protection level and usage requirements. Secondly, during use, the appearance and connection lines of the motor should be regularly checked to ensure that there is no damage or looseness. At the same time, the motor should run smoothly without any abnormalities, and if there are any problems, it should be stopped for maintenance in a timely manner.

When maintaining explosion-proof motors, the following points should be noted. Regularly inspect and clean the casing and cooling system of the motor to ensure no dust accumulation or blockage. Especially the air intake and exhaust ports of the motor need to be cleaned regularly. Secondly, regularly check the electrical connections of the motor to ensure good wiring. The electrical part of the motor should be regularly inspected and maintained, and any damaged or aged circuits should be replaced in a timely manner.

In addition, regularly check the condition of the lubricating oil and bearings of the motor operation to ensure good lubrication. During use, attention should be paid to wear and the addition of lubricating oil, and timely replacement and replenishment should be carried out. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly inspect the motor's cooling system and temperature sensors to ensure that the motor's operating temperature is within a safe range.

If any abnormalities or malfunctions are found in the explosion-proof motor, it should be stopped in a timely manner and repaired by professional personnel. Non professionals are strictly prohibited from disassembling and repairing explosion-proof motors without authorization to avoid safety accidents.

Nanyang explosion-proof motor tells you that the correct use and maintenance of explosion-proof motors are crucial. By carefully reading the user manual, correctly installing and wiring, selecting the appropriate usage environment, conducting regular inspections and maintenance, the normal operation and safety performance of explosion-proof motors can be ensured, and the risk of accidents can be reduced.

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