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Nanyang explosion-proof motor: What are the precautions to follow during the installation and use of explosion-proof motors?
2023-12-07 11:16:11

Explosion proof motors are used in environments with flammable and explosive gases. Due to their special working environment and safety requirements, users need to follow a series of precautions to ensure their safe and reliable operation. The following are the precautions to follow when installing and using explosion-proof motors in Nanyang:

1. Choose the appropriate model and specification: Select the appropriate explosion-proof motor model and specification based on the explosion level and temperature requirements of the working environment. When selecting, it is necessary to refer to relevant national standards and industry norms to ensure that the selected motor meets the requirements.

2. Strictly follow the instructions for use: Users should strictly follow the product manual when installing and using explosion-proof motors, including the requirements for installation, debugging, maintenance, and other aspects. The structure and parameters of the motor must not be changed arbitrarily to avoid affecting its explosion-proof performance.

3. Ensure the matching between the motor and surrounding equipment: The installation requirements of explosion-proof motors should match the surrounding equipment, such as bearings, couplers, reducers, etc. This can ensure the normal operation of the motor and reduce the occurrence of faults.

4. Safe grounding: Explosion proof motors must have good contact with the ground wire to ensure that the grounding impedance of the motor meets the requirements. At the same time, for cables with shielding layers, it is necessary to properly ground the shielding layer to improve the safety of the motor.

5. Avoid overload operation: The load of explosion-proof motors should be within the design range to avoid overload operation. During use, attention should also be paid to changes in load, and the working status of the motor should be adjusted in a timely manner according to the changes to ensure its normal operation.

Wolong Electric,Nanyang Motor Accessories,Nanyang explosion-proof

6. Regular maintenance and inspection: Regular maintenance and inspection are important steps to ensure the safe operation of explosion-proof motors. Regularly clean the motor casing and ventilation openings, check the insulation performance of the motor and the lubrication of the bearings. If any abnormal situation is found, timely measures should be taken for maintenance or replacement.

7. Dust, moisture, and corrosion prevention: Explosion proof motors usually operate in harsh environments and are easily affected by factors such as dust, moisture, and corrosion. Therefore, corresponding protective measures need to be taken. During installation, protective covers, moisture-proof devices, etc. can be installed on the motor casing to increase the service life of the motor.

8. Avoid excessive temperature: Explosion proof motors generate a certain amount of heat during operation. If the temperature is too high, it may cause damage or fire to internal components of the motor. Therefore, when selecting a motor, it is necessary to choose the appropriate temperature rise based on the temperature requirements of the working environment, while also paying attention to the heat dissipation of the motor.

9. Regular inspection of insulation performance: The insulation performance of explosion-proof motors is directly related to their safe use. Therefore, regular inspection of insulation resistance value and insulation voltage strength is necessary to ensure that they are within the normal range. If insulation performance is found to have decreased, timely measures should be taken for maintenance or replacement.

10. Operation requirements during power outage: In case of power outage maintenance, repair or shutdown, relevant operating procedures should be followed to avoid accidents caused by misoperation or human error. When shutting down, the motor should be powered off and necessary protective measures should be taken.

Nanyang explosion-proof motor tells you that when installing and using explosion-proof motors, users need to strictly follow the above precautions to ensure the safe operation of the motor. At the same time, according to the actual situation and production process requirements, combined with the advice of professional technicians, flexible adjustment and maintenance should be carried out to ensure the long-term stable operation of the motor.

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