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Nanyang explosion-proof motor: When selecting explosion-proof motors, the following three points should be noted
2023-11-22 16:02:39

Nanyang explosion-proof motor tells you the aspects to pay attention to when selecting explosion-proof motors, which are very important for us to purchase and use. Let's take a look together:

The selection of explosion-proof motors should consider the following three main factors

1. After determining the voltage, frequency, and speed, select the installation coefficient K based on the load pulled by the motor and the power supply network condition to determine the motor power. Check the installation dimensions from the motor sample based on the installation method. There are also cases where the motor power is selected from the sample based on the determined center height.

2. Confirm whether the technical indicators meet the requirements (to be determined by both the supply and demand parties in the technical agreement). For wound rotor motors, in order to choose a matching starting and speed control system, the supplier also needs to provide the values of rotor voltage U2 and current I2.

3. Determine the protection level and explosion-proof type, explosion-proof level or anti-corrosion category, level, and other requirements according to the usage environment, such as outdoor and marine use. Can refer to: explosion-proof motor temperature group and explosion-proof category.

The above content is provided by Nanyang explosion-proof motor

When selecting explosion-proof motors, the following three points should be noted

1. The explosion-proof level of flameproof motors should meet the requirements of flammable and explosive environments. Do not choose higher level motors.

2. Determine technical indicators based on actual usage, including η、 Cos φ The higher the value, the better, saving electricity, while other indicators are not necessarily the same. For example, when dragging the motor of an axial flow pump and fan, the Tst should be within the range of 0.6~0.8, and the Tm does not need to be high. It can meet the usage requirements around 1.6. If the buyer loosens slightly in these two indicators, the designer can supplement the excess functionality excavated from them to Ist, which is used to reduce Ist. This has practical significance for places with small network capacity. The majority of the loads of a bipolar motor are fans and pumps, so it is not necessary to have a high Tst. If the production factory excessively pursues this indicator and designs the upper half of the slot shape of the cast aluminum rotor very narrow, it increases unnecessary difficulty in manufacturing; There are also many faults caused by broken or thin bars during use.

3. Choose a moderate level of protection. The difference between IP54 and IP44 is mainly in terms of dust prevention function. Some buyers choose IP44 motors in places where IP54 should be used in order to save money, resulting in premature damage to the motor bearings. On the contrary, when IP44 can meet the usage requirements, there is no need to choose P54. The latter requires the addition of rubber sealing rings, which is not as good as the former in terms of maintenance.

The above content is provided by Nanyang explosion-proof motor, hoping to be helpful to you!

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