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The problems and solutions of explosion-proof motors in Nanyang
2023-11-22 12:50:34

The application of explosion-proof motors is constantly increasing. After a period of use, some problems may arise. How can we solve them when they occur? Are there any good measures? Now let's have a detailed understanding of the Nanyang explosion-proof belt:

Common fault types of explosion-proof motors:

During the daily use of explosion-proof motors, some faults are inevitable, and the common types of faults are as follows:

1. Explosion proof surface damage

The explosion-proof surface, also known as the explosion-proof surface, can seriously affect the explosion-proof effect of the explosion-proof motor if damaged. Generally speaking, there are many reasons for damage to explosion-proof surfaces, which may occur during production, assembly, and use. It is also possible that the explosion-proof surface may be damaged due to failure to operate according to relevant technical regulations during daily maintenance and upkeep. In addition, it is easy to experience condensation inside the motor in humid environments, and if not properly addressed, it can also lead to corrosion of the explosion-proof surface.

2. Phase loss operation

When a phase loss situation occurs, the motor can still rotate, but it is easy to experience current exceeding the normal value. If the problem cannot be detected and resolved in a timely manner, it can lead to motor overheating, control circuit equipment failure, cable phase loss burning, and other problems.

3. Unbalanced three-phase current

During the use of explosion-proof motors, current imbalance may occur, which can lead to a decrease in the operational stability of the equipment. Generally speaking, the occurrence of this problem is mainly related to the voltage stability and three-phase turns of the three-phase power supply. Unbalanced three-phase load can lead to increased energy consumption in equipment operation, affecting the insulation performance of the motor, and also carries the risk of burning the winding.

4. Excessive no-load current

During the operation of explosion-proof motors, current design needs to be based on actual operating conditions. Usually, the no-load current of the equipment is correlated with the number of motor poles, magnetic conductive materials, and motor power. In actual use, there are often situations where the current exceeds 50%, and the no-load current at this time is relatively high, which poses a certain risk of use. The problem of rated current below 20% may also occur, where the no-load current is low, which can easily affect the operational effectiveness of the equipment and is not conducive to the requirements of operational stability.

Common faults and maintenance optimization strategies of explosion-proof motors

1. Strengthen daily maintenance and management

The daily maintenance and management of explosion-proof motors are essential conditions to ensure the scientific operation of equipment. In the daily maintenance process, the key step is to provide a good working environment and minimize the risk of various problems on the explosion-proof surface of the motor, in order to ensure the contact effect of the contact surface.

2. Establish a sound maintenance system

Establishing a sound maintenance system also plays a certain role in the scientific operation of explosion-proof motors. Build a management file for explosion-proof motors within the enterprise, record the maintenance and repair history of explosion-proof motors, evaluate the operation status, develop a comprehensive maintenance management plan, strengthen the motor pre inspection management mode, eliminate faults in the bud, and ensure the reliability of explosion-proof motor operation.

Explosion proof motors play an irreplaceable role in modern chemical production, and their operational stability is not only related to production safety, but also closely related to the production efficiency of enterprises. In addition to strengthening the daily maintenance and management of explosion-proof motors, user units also need to further establish and improve maintenance systems, enhance personnel's technical execution ability, and better meet the operational stability requirements of explosion-proof motors, creating good conditions for the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.

The above content will be explained to you by Nanyang Explosion Protection. We hope it will be helpful for you when you use it. Please call us to inquire about product selection!

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