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Some methods for troubleshooting Nanyang explosion-proof motor
2023-11-22 10:36:39

Explosion proof motors are generally used in specific situations and play an important role in safe use. However, after a period of use, some problems may arise that need to be solved. Understanding some solutions is also necessary. Now, Nanyang Explosion proof Motors will provide you with detailed explanations:

1、 Explosion proof motor cannot start

a. Still and silent

b. Vibration and abnormal sound

Possible reasons:

1. The power supply is not connected

2. Phase loss of three-phase motor

3. Stator winding disconnection

4. Short circuit between stator windings

5. Centrifugal switch or capacitor damaged or circuit blocked

6. Transmission part obstructed or overloaded

Handling method:

1. Check whether the switches, fuses, contactor contacts, circuits, and explosion-proof motor leads are properly connected

2. Check if the power supply, switch, fuse, and connecting wires are intact

3-4. Repair winding

5. Repair or replace centrifugal switches, capacitors, or inspect and repair connection lines

6. Check and repair the transmission part, check the cause of excessive load, and eliminate faults

2、 It can start without load or with the help of external forces, but the start is slow and the steering is uncertain

Possible reasons:

1. Phase loss of three-phase motor

2. Fault in the auxiliary winding circuit of single-phase motor: winding disconnection, centrifugal switch circuit or contact failure, capacitor damage or disconnection

Handling method:

1. Check the power supply and circuit

2. Check and repair the winding, centrifugal switch, capacitor, or corresponding connecting circuit parts

3、 When running with load, the speed is lower than the rated value

Possible reasons:

1. The load is too large

2. The power supply voltage is too low

3. Cage rotor broken bars

4. Poor circuit connection and poor contact

5. Winding wiring error, coil short circuit

Handling method:

1. Check if there are any faults in the transmission part and working machinery and eliminate them

2. Measure voltage to solve power supply quality

3. Replace the rotor

4. Inspection and troubleshooting

5. Repair winding

4、 The explosion-proof motor casing is live

Possible reasons:

1. Loose or disconnected grounding wire

2. The insulation of the winding is damaged or affected by moisture, and the outgoing wire collides with the shell

Handling method:

1. Check the grounding wire and connect it properly

2. Drying, repairing insulation, and replacing outgoing wires

5、 Abnormal sound during operation of explosion-proof motor

Possible reasons:

1. Phase loss operation

2. Foreign objects carried on the rotor or rotor rub against the stator or other fixed objects

3. Bearing damage or severe oil shortage

4. Broken wave washer

5. The centrifugal switch is damaged

6. Excessive axial displacement

Handling method:

1. Check all components of the circuit and eliminate faults

2. Check if there are any protruding foreign objects in the stator bore and rotor, and if the bearing chamber is worn too much

3. Clean the bearings and add corrosive grease

4. Replace the waveform washer

5. Repair or replace the centrifugal switch

6. Adjust the axial displacement

6、 The explosion-proof motor stops running, but after connecting to the power supply, it does not turn, and can be started again after a while

Possible reasons:

1. Winding short circuit

2. Overload

3. Thermal protector action

Handling method:

1. Repair the winding

2. Check the transmission part and working machinery to eliminate faults

3. After overheating or overcurrent, the thermal protector acts and resets after cooling down

7、 Abnormal vibration of explosion-proof motor

Possible reasons:

1. Shaft head bending

2. Loose foot

3. Damaged rotor dynamic balance

4. Circuit and winding faults

Handling method:

1. Straightening

2. Fix the foot

3. Correct dynamic balance

4. Check and repair the circuit or winding

8、 Sudden increase in current, smoke from explosion-proof motors, high temperature rise

Possible reasons:

1. Phase loss operation

2. The explosion-proof motor is overloaded and the transmission part is stuck

3. The power of the selected explosion-proof motor is too low

4. The power supply voltage is too low or too high

5. The ventilation duct of the explosion-proof motor is blocked

6. Local damp insulation damage, winding turn to turn and phase to phase short circuit of explosion-proof motors

7. Damage to centrifugal switch or capacitor

9、 After starting, the explosion-proof motor quickly heats up and even burns out the winding

Possible reasons:

1. Short circuit or grounding between turns or phases of winding

2. The main and auxiliary windings of a single-phase motor are connected incorrectly to each other

3. The contact of the centrifugal switch cannot be disconnected after startup, and the auxiliary winding heats up due to long-term operation

Handling method:

1. Check and repair the winding

2. Check and correct wiring

3. Check and repair the centrifugal switch

Handling method:

1. Check the power supply and wiring

2. Check the working machinery and transmission parts

3. Verify and replace the motor

4. Check the power supply

5. Remove blockages

6. Check and repair the winding

7. Bolt inspection and replacement 9. After starting, the explosion-proof motor quickly heats up and even burns out the winding

The above content is provided by Nanyang explosion-proof motor, hoping to be helpful to you!

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