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The development of machine tools and cutting tools is complementary and promote each other. The cutting tool is the most active factor in the machining process system composed of machine tool, cutting tool and work piece. The cutting performance of the cutting tool depends on theThe development of machine tools and cutting tools is complementary and promote each other. The cutting tool is the most active factor in the machining process system composed of machine tool, cutting tool and work piece. The cutting performance of the cutting tool depends on theThe development of machine tools and cutting tools is complementary and promote each other. The cutting tool is the most active factor in the machining process system composed of machine tool, cutting tool and work piece. The cutting performance of the cutting tool depends on the

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sv1.png Henan Nanyang New Area New Energy High tech Industry Cluster

sv2.png +86 13513779000

sv2.png +86 13838711208


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Steel Iron and steel production